3rd BaltCoast Project Meeting Presentations
Coastal realignment and wetland restoration in the Geltinger Birk- Schernewski G, Bartel C, Kobarg N
Coastal protection & realignment and the role of public participation in Markgrafenheide- Schumacher J, Schernewski G
Integrated flood risk management in Timmendorf Strand- Schernewski G, Hofstede J
Changing policy to halt the effects of beach erosion and to sustainable manage tourism on the Hel Peninsula - Różyński G, Bielecka M
Active nature conservation in a lagoon - Rabski K
The use of diverse instruments to ensure multi-use sustainability in a port city, Ventspils and Establishment of Pavilosta Gray Dune as nature protection territory (NATURE 2000), Pavilosta- Ernsteins R, Ievina A, Zilniece I, Rusmanis U
Järve - management of low-lying sandy beach exposed to storms - Kont A, Tonissonki H
Coastal management strategy for southwest Finland and Sea of Bothnia (Selkämeri) ICZM- Povilanskas R
Socio-economic scenarios of change, cost-effectiveness analyses- Gren I
Tools and integrations- Karnauskaite D, Inacio M, Schumacher J
Case study presentations:
WP5.1 Szczecin lagoon - Friedland R
WP5.2 Vistula lagoon- Różyński G, Bielecka M
WP5.3 Bathing water quality- Baltranaite E, Čerkasova N
WP5.4 Coastal municipal governance Salacgriva- Lagzdiņa Ē, Kudreņickis I, Kauliņš J, Ernšteins R
WP5.5 Coastal protection management, Pärnu-Valgeranna- Tonissonki H
Contact person: Viktorija Sabaliauskaite ( e-mail: viktorija.sabaliauskaite@io-warnemuende.de )