Coastal Management I - International Student Course 2016
In the footsteps of the international student course of last year, this year from September 5-13, 2016 Klaipeda University (Lithuania) hosted 8 master students for the student course on coastal management. The students originated from the master studies Ecology and Environment, Ichthyology and Aquaculture and Marine Environment Engineering. Under the thematic umbrella of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) the students were introduced to a practical ICZM implementation, the Systems Approach Framework (SAF) and its stepwise application.
These SAF steps for the first time also involved the application of specific tools developed within the BONUS BaltCoast project. To evaluate the state of sustainability of coastal areas, students applied the indicator-based evaluation tool. Also ways of evaluating a measure's success & public participation or ways of determining the ecosystem services of a water body through an ecosytsem service assessment tool were introduced. Within field work, monitoring methods for marine littler were presented to the students on the beach near Klaipeda. Finally the students could slip into the position of different stakeholders in a roleplay, which simulates the implementation of a musselfarm in Greifswald bay (Germany). One aim of the role-play is to expose students to a situation they might face later in their job, another aim is to improve skills in communication, discussion moderation and presentation.
As usual, the lectures, group and field work and discussions were framed by social activities and collective meals.
For detailed information on the course content have a look at the course schedule.
Also check out the training material used for summer schools and the student courses!