Integrated Coastal Zone Management II: International Practical Course 2015
The course took part at the Leibniz-Insititute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (Germany) from April 11th to April 24th 2015. During the BaltCoast kick-off meeting 14 master students from Klaipėda University (Lithuania) had the possibility to learn more about the SAF (System Approach Framework) approach and to interact with ICZM scientists from Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Latvia and Estonia. During the teaching modules within the course, the students were introduced to topics like marine spatial planning, bathing water and marine litter monitoring and management, fishery and aquaculture issues, and hydrological modelling.
For detailed information on the course content have a look at the course schedule.
Students shared the experiences they gained during the two-week course in the feedback forum.