Teaching Material

Lesson name Author Download Link
Day 1: Introduction and Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Welcome to Klaipėda University Marija Kataržytė PDF
ICZM Introduction Marija Kataržytė PDF

Retrospective analysis of existing ICZM best practice case studies

Ramūnas Povilanskas PDF
Day 2: The Systems Approach Framework (SAF) and its application
SAF - Introduction Josianne G. Støttrup

Part 1: PDF

Part 2: PDF

The Curonian Lagoon Ecosystem and its Ecosystem services Miguel Inácio PDF
A SAF application case study - Bathing water quality issue in lagoon Marija Kataržytė PDF
Day 3: Issue Identification and Stakeholder involvement
SAF - Issue Identification: Lecture Josianne G. Støttrup;
Grete Dinesen
SAF - Issue Identification: Stakeholders Exercise Josianne G. Støttrup PDF
DPSIR and CATWOE Analysis Exercise Josianne G. Støttrup PDF
SAF - Issue Identification: Lecture (Stakeholder Involvement and Participation) Johanna Schumacher
Nardine Stybel
SAF - Issue Identification: Exercise (Stakeholder Involvement and Participation) Johanna Schumacher
Nardine Stybel
Day 4: System design, model formulation, application and scenario simulations
SAF - System Design: Lecture Josianne G. Støttrup;
Grete Dinesen
SAF - System Formulation an Appraisal Step: Lecture Georg Umgiesser
Natalja Čerkasova
SAF - System Formulation an Appraisal Step: Modeling Georg Umgiesser
Natalja Čerkasova
Modeling: Case Studies Georg Umgiesser
Natalja Čerkasova
Day 5: System output and application examples
SAF - Application case study Vistula Lagoon Małgorzata Bielecka PDF
SAF – Case study: Greifswalder Bodden - Background Gerald Schernewski PDF
SAF – Case study: Mussel farming - Role Play Exercise Gerald Schernewski PDF
SAF – Output: Mussel farming in Szczecin Lagoon Gerald Schernewski PDF
Day 6: Measuring and evaluating success
Sustainability indicators – background Donalda Karnauskaitė PDF
Sustainability indicators - application and examples Donalda Karnauskaitė PDF
Indicator application: Exercise Donalda Karnauskaitė PDF
Ecosystem Services – background Miguel Inácio PDF
Ecosystem Services assessment and examples from lagoons Miguel Inácio PDF

Note: all training material is available in a editable (.ppt or .doc) format on request. Contact the lecturer directly via provided e-mail (found on the first page of every presentation) for inquiries.