Eco-technologies & eutrophication in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon, Germany/Poland
In some river basins a full implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan is hardly possible, partly because the low cost nutrient load reduction potential is exhausted and partly because political will and existing agricultural policy stand against it. Further, in some coastal waters a non-eutrophic status cannot be reached. These problems especially occur in large river basins draining into lagoons, like the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon, Germany/Poland. In these coastal waters, measures are needed that have a direct positive effect on environmental quality (via increased water transparency) and/or increase nutrient retention. For the Odra lagoon different measures (low-density mussel farming, increased and artificial reed belts, pile rows as sedimentation traps) will be explored. Using the hydrodynamic-ecosystem model ERGOM/GETM the effect of concrete, spatially defined measures will be simulated and the socio-economic consequences analysed. The work takes place in close exchange with local municipalities and authorities and builds upon recent BONUS projects, like Soil2Sea or COCOA.
CSS Oder Lagoon kick-off presentation