Project Management
Contact person: Jurgita Maračkinaitė
BaltCoast Consortion consists of seven Research Institutes from the Baltic Sea region. Project activities will be conducted in close cooperation with end-users and local stakeholder groups from each case study site (End-user Forum).
The project will be supported by an Advisory Board composed by International experts from different disciplines.
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Management Board
Project Co-ordinator:
- Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski
Project Manager:
- Johanna Schumacher
Workpackage Responsibles:
- WP1: Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski
- WP2: Dr. Josianne Stottrup
- WP3: Prof. Dr. Ing-Marie Gren
- WP4: Prof. Dr. habil. Raimonds Ernsteins
- WP5: Dr. Josianne Stottrup
- WP6: Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski
- WP7: Dr. Marija Katarzyte
Scientific Advisory Board
- Dr. Denis Bailly (France, expert in SAF, coastal & marine economics and sustainability),
- Res. Dir. Dr. Valerie Cummins (Ireland, expert in coastal governance, public participation & capacity building).
- Prof. Dr. Tom Hopkins (USA, expert in SAF and integrated modelling),
- Res. Dir. Dr. Eirik Mikkelsen (Norway, expert in social sciences, industrial & regional economics),
- Prof. Dr. Alice Newton (Portugal/Norway, expert on coastal systems, ICM-training & capacity building)
- Prof. Dr. Francisco Taveira-Pinto (Portugal, expert on coastal engineering & protection management as well as coastal networks)
Project Partnership
End-User Forum
- International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Copenhagen, Denmark
- EUCC-Coastal & Marine, the International Office, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Southwest Finland, Turku
- Estonian Ministry of the Environment, Department of Marine Environment
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia
- German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), Section Marine Protection,
- German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), Section Environmental Assessment & Spatial Planning
- Environmental Protection Agency Lithuania, Department of Marine ResearchMaritime Office, Gdynia, Poland
- Distance Learning Center at Rostock University
- Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark, Danish AgriFish Agency