34th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts' (AMK)

Warnemünde, April 20-23, 2016


General Information:


Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)

Seestraße 15, Saal, 1. Stock

18119 Rostock-Warnemünde


The registration form can be downloaded here in English and here in German


Main Topics:

The AMK allows for a wide spectrum of coastal and marine geography topics, including:

  • Coastal zone management
  • Marine spatial planning and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Resource management and aquaculture
  • Coastal protection and risk management
  • Ecosystem services and indicators
  • Marine debris and water quality


Conference Program:

April 20, 2016 (Wednesday)

                Icebreaker-event, EUCC General Meeting

April 21, 2016 (Thursday)

                Lectures, poster session, group dinner

April 22, 2016 (Friday)

                Lectures, poster session, AMK General Meeting

April 23, 2016 (Saturday)

                Coastal Geography Excursion



The conference will be held in English. Presentations are also allowed in German.

Registration for lectures and posters is open until March 1, 2016. When registering for the lectures and posters, please include an English summary that is a maximum of one A4 page. Registration for conference participation is possible up to the start of the conference.

After the registration deadline, the program will be determined by AMK organizers based upon the submitted summaries. Should the number of submitted papers exceed the number of possible lectures; the organizers will select which papers will be in the program, however, it is the intention that all submissions will be presented.

With permission from the authors, contributions will be published following the 34th Annual Conference. Conference proceedings are published on a yearly basis.

For registration, please use the registration form above.



Warnemünde has a wide spectrum of accommodations in close proximity to the conference venue.





Leibniz Institute for Baltic See Research Warnemünde (IOW) and the Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D):

Prof. Dr.Gerald Schernewski, Dr. Rene Friedland, Miguel Inacio, Dr. Holger Janssen, Donalda Karnauskaite Dr. Marija Katarzyte, Johanna Schumacher, Franziska Stoll & Nardine Stybel

Contact: amk2016@eucc-d.de

AMK Website (in German)