Integrated Coastal Zone Management I: International Practical Course 2015
Between September 7th and 15th, 2015 twelve students from the Master programs Ecology and Environment, Marine Environmental Engineering, Ichthyology and Aquaculture and Geoinformatics participated in the Integrated Coastal Zone Management I course at Klaipeda University.
The interdisciplinary course provided comprehensive up-to-date knowledge on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and focused on methods and a practical ICZM implementation applying a Systems Approach Framework for an integrated assessment. Using the German and Lithuanian BaltCoast Case Study Sites as examples, tools and methods for Issue Identification, Stakeholder Involvement, Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Coastal Sustainability, Coastal Monitoring and Implementation of investments and remediation measures were applied and critically evaluated by the students.
The course provided the theoretical background in lectures, complemented by practical exercises, role plays, interactive group activities and field work. Some of the students, together with students from the fields of Marine Hydrology as well as Recreation and Tourism Management, will travel to Germany next spring to participate in the practical student course 'Coastal Management II' which is offered at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde between April 17th and 29th, 2016.
For detailed information on the course content have a look at the course schedule.