End-user involvement
End-users of the project are coastal scientists, managers, authorities and decision-makers. These groups are actively involved in two ways: Each case study site involves a local stakeholder group who follows and guides the stepwise SAF application and serves as the forum for the discussion of output and implementation concept. Each stakeholder group consists of 6-15 local persons and authorities. The groups represent the expertise necessary to deal with the issue chosen in the CSSs. The groups meet at least twice and communication takes place in the national language.
End-user Forum
The End-user Forum consists of about 12-14 national and regional authorities from all Baltic states together with ICM key actors, as well as representatives of organisations and networks (EUCC, ICES, HELCOM). Its major role is to support the project, to discuss and evaluate outputs and to ensure the practical applicability and relevance of the SAF. This group communicates in English, is invited to workshops that are linked to the annual project meeting and will actively be trained on SAF.